cbr150r vs vixion

Ngomongin penjualan motor kelas sport naked inilah yang paling bikin penasaran dan paling heboh, siapa lagi kalau bukan Yamaha vixion vs Honda CB150R. Dua motor2 ini seakan menjadi barometer keberhasilan kedua pabrikan di segmen motor sport.

honda cengkareng

Nach pada penjualan bulan april 2016 lalu menurut data AISI persaingan diantara keduanya semakin sengit setelah Honda CB150R mengalami peningkatan yang signifikan dan vixion anjlok terlalu dalam. Yamaha vixion yang biasanya terjual lebih dari 15ribuan bahkan hingga 20ribuan unit perbulan di bulan maret 2016 hanya tercatat  8.200-an unit saja, dan lebih parah bulan april yang cuma 6.200-an unit. Sementara CB150R di bulan april 2016 melambung tinggi terjual 16.493 unit.


  1. di lihat lihat pasar sport mulai mengecil, uforia sport waktu trennya vixion dah mulai hilang, dulu vixion bisa tembus 42rb unit/bulan.waktu itu CB150 juga bisa mencapai 26rb unit perbulan. di bandingkan sekarang mah jauh banget, gabungan keduanya cuma kisaran 23rbuan/unit.pasar sport mulai bergeser ke matic 150 cc , kayak N-Max maupun Vario 150

    • komen yg ‘makes sense’ banget. kalau ngomongin kenapa vixion penurunannya lebih tinggi dari cb bisa jadi karena konsumen sudah rada jenuh dengan (engine) vixion yg sudah cukup berumur, meskipun secara fungsi dan performa tidak kalah (setara) dengan cb, imho

    • Cerdas. Inilah yg sepertinya sdh dibaca yamaha. Mau setangguh apapun barisan motor yamaha, pasti tumbang jg dihadapan honda yang punya kekuatan produksi, promosi dan finansial yg luar biasa. Yamaha sadar betul akan hal ini. Setelah hampir 10 tahun jualan Vixion dan sudah laku jutaan unit, kini saatnya pasar mulai jenuh, segmen sport mulai terus merosot sementara honda dengan girangnya merasa berhasil merebut tahta. Jebakan batman yamaha berhasil lagi, yamaha jauh berpikir kedepan bahwa kini mereka bakal menguasai segmen big skutik. Dan tren mengarah kesana. Cepat atau lambat sport bakal ditinggalkan mengingat big skutik lebih cocok dengan kondisi jalanan saat ini dan memiliki akomodasi lebih baik juga performa mumpuni yg tidak kalah dengan motorsport. Honda dengan girangnya berhasil merebut alfamart dari yamaha, sementara disana yamaha sedang membangun alfamidi yang lebih besar dan komplit. Yamaha tampak cerdas ditengah segala keterbatasannya.

  2. Dan Pispotpun tumbang juga…
    btw thanks for bloggers who obey Hondut’s order…
    One Voice, One Order, One enemy,,,,
    all blogger one voice given by one order to destroy one enemy…
    selamat ya para blogger, Anda turut membuat masyarakat tidak punya second opinion lagi tentang produk kompetitor

  3. The Federal Republic of Nigeria, commonly referred to as Nigeria,
    is a federal constitutional republic in West Africa, bordering Benin in the west, Chad
    and Cameroon in the east, and Niger in the north.
    Its shore in the south lies on the Gulf of Guinea.
    It contains the Federal Capital Territory and 36 states, where Abuja, the capital is situated.
    Nigeria is officially a democratic secular nation.

  4. Rioting broke out in 1966, and military leaders, mainly of Ibo ethnicity, assumed
    control. In July, another military coup put Col. Yakubu Gowon in power,
    an option unacceptable to the Ibos. Also in that year, the Muslim Hausas in the north massacred the mostly Christian Ibos in the east, many of whom had been driven in the north.
    Thousands of Ibos took refuge in the eastern area, which declared its independence as the Republic of Biafra on May 30, 1967.

    Civil war broke out. In Jan. 1970, after 31 months of civil war, Biafra surrendered to the
    federal government.

  5. Nigeria attained independence from the United Kingdom
    as a Commonwealth Realm on 1. Nigeria’s government was a coalition of conservative parties:
    the Nigerian People’s Congress (NPC), a party dominated
    by Northerners and those of the Islamic religion, and the Igbo and Christian-dominated National Council
    of Nigeria and the Cameroons (NCNC) headed by Nnamdi Azikiwe.
    Azikiwe became Nigeria’s maiden Governor-General in 1960.

    The opposition consisted of the relatively liberal
    Action Group (AG), which was mostly dominated by the Yoruba and led by Obafemi Awolowo.

    The cultural and political differences between Nigeria’s dominant ethnic groups – the Hausa (‘Northerners’),
    Igbo (‘Easterners’) and Yoruba (‘Westerners’) – were sharp.

  6. In the 2014 ebola outbreak, Nigeria was the first
    state to effectively check and eliminate the Ebola threat that
    was ravaging three other states in the West African area, as its exceptional method of contact
    tracing became an effective process later used by other nations,
    including the United States Of America, when Ebola threats were found.

  7. Nigeria is thought of as an emerging marketplace by the World Bank;It has also been identified as an emerging
    global power, and has been identified as a regional power a central
    power in international affairs, on the African continent.

  8. Nigeria is thought of as an emergent marketplace by the World Bank;It continues to be identified as a regional power a middle power in international affairs, on the African continent,
    and contains already been identified as an emerging global power.


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